Common denominators are rules that might help balance Ecologic and Gennomics Governance (EcoGen) and GMO varieties for higher yields and resilience, drawing from GM technologies and HGT:

  1. Preservation of Native Genetic Diversity: Encourage the preservation of native species and their genetic diversity while introducing genetic modifications. Respect and protect existing biodiversity.

  2. Ecosystem Resilience Focus: Emphasize modifications that enhance the resilience of ecosystems and species rather than aiming solely for increased productivity.

  3. Risk Assessment and Transparency: Prioritize thorough risk assessments and transparent dissemination of information about genetic modifications, ensuring clarity about potential ecological impacts.

  4. Benefit-Sharing Mechanisms: Develop mechanisms to fairly distribute the benefits and burdens of genetic modifications, ensuring equitable access to innovations and resources.

  5. Integration of Natural Processes: Integrate innovative genetic modifications with natural processes such as HGT or ROS modulation, promoting synergy between technology and nature.

  6. Regulatory Frameworks for Sustainable Use: Implement regulatory frameworks that foster responsible use of genetic technologies, ensuring that modifications contribute positively to sustainable practices.

  7. Collaboration and Continuous Monitoring: Foster collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and local communities to monitor the impacts of genetic modifications on ecosystems. Continuously reassess and adapt strategies based on new findings.

These rules aim to strike a balance between utilizing genetic modifications for higher yields and resilience while safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystem health. They emphasize transparency, sustainability, and the integration of natural processes into genetic technologies